Current-use pesticides
The detection rates of pharmaceuticals (Ps), personal care products (PCPs), current-use pesticides (CUPs) and a food additive (FA) in Brisbane River estuary (Queensland), Sydney estuary (New South Wales) and the Yarra River estuary (Melbourne, Victoria) were: Ps: 16/25, 7/25 and 12/25, respectively, CUPs;28/53, 5/53 and 23/ 53, respectively, PCPs: 1/3, 0/3 and, 1/3, respectively and FA;1/1, 1/1 and 1/1, respectively. Diuron was measured in all estuarine samples, simazine, MCPA and 2,4 D were also commonly measured. Pharmaceuticals: carbamazepine, iopromide paracetamol tramadol and venlafaxine were also commonly measured across the estuaries. Generally, analytes were prominent in Brisbane River estuary, followed by Yarra River/Sydney estuary. Inputs of Ps are likely from leakages or effluents of WWTPs;CUPs are potentially from agricultural and parklands via surface run-off in Brisbane River estuary, while for Sydney and Yarra estuaries, which have separate stormwater and sewer systems, sources are likely to be ingression and leakage.