Medical image segmentation
Mamba module
Deep Learning
Deep learning techniques are revolutionizing the developmentof medical image *** the advancement of Transformer models,especially ViT and Swin-Transformer,which enhances the remote-dependent modeling capability of the model through the self-attention mechanism,better segmentation performance can be ***,the high computational cost of Transformer has motivated researchers to explore more efficient models,such as the Mamba model based on state-space modeling(SSM),and for the field of medical segmentation,reducing the number of model parameters is also *** this study,a novel asymmetric model called LA-UMamba was proposed,which integrates visual Mamba module to efficiently capture complex visual features and remote *** classical design of U-Net was adopted in the upsampling phase to help reduce the number of references and recover more *** mitigate the information loss problem,an auxiliary U-Net downsampling layer was designed to focus on sizing without extracting features,thus enhancing the protection of input information while maintaining the efficiency of the *** experiments were conducted on the ACDC MRI cardiac segmentation dataset,and the results showed that the proposed LA-UMamba achieves proved performance compared to the baseline model in several evaluation metrics,such as IoU,Accuracy,Precision,HD and ASD,which improved that the model is successful in optimizing the detail processing and reducing the complexity of the model,providing a new perspective for further optimization of medical image segmentation techniques.